
ACOTA: A multilingual and Semi-automatic collaborative tagging system

Towards a Stepwise Method for Unifying and Reconciling Corporate Names in Public Contracts Metadata: The CORFU Technique

Empowering the access to public procurement opportunities by means of linking controlled vocabularies. A case study of Product Scheme Classifications in the European e-Procurement sector

Applying MapReduce to Spreading Activation Algorithm on Large RDF Graphs

Automated Diagnosis through Ontologies and Logical Descriptions: The ADONIS Approach

ONTOSPREAD: A Framework for Supporting the Activation of Concepts in Graph-Based Structures through the Spreading Activation Technique

Towards a Practical Solution for Data Grounding in a Semantic Web Services Environment

Web Semántica: comprendiendo el cambio hacia la Web 3.0

Towards an architecture and adoption process for Linked Data technologies in Open Government contexts

SeDeLo: Using Semantics and Description Logics to Support Aided Clinical Diagnosis