Towards an architecture and adoption process for Linked Data technologies in Open Government contexts


The idea of Web of data has been widely enhanced by the establishment of Linked Data principles on the Web. The emergence of Linking Open Data Project opens the doors to the concept of Linked Open Data, establishing the basis for publishing open data, usable by anyone on the Web. However, even though the form (Linked Data) and the goal (Web of data) have been formally defined, the definition of a components architecture to support the implementation of such technologies is still fuzzy, as is a methodology of implementation associated with this architecture. The problem is that the definition and methodology together should enable both publishing and maintenance of semantic data in a standardized way for a subset of publishers, namely public administrators. In this paper we describe a first approach to an adoption process of Web Semantic technologies, specifically with regard to tools and methods that enable the publication and maintenance of Linked Open Data within the context of public administration. To this end, we review the related basic concepts, define infrastructure, describe its components and functions, and propose a sequence to be followed. Finally, we present a case of the use of our methodology in the Library of Congress of Chile.

In I-Semantics